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2008 | 62(6) | 680-685

Article title

Videolaryngostroboscopic examination of treatment effects in patients with chronic hyperthrophic larynges


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Introduction. This work aimed at assessing effects of surgical treatment and post-operative rehabilitation of chronic hypertrophic laryngitis by videolaryngostroboscopy and the GRBAS scale. Material and methods. The examinations were carried on 50 patients of both sex, including 16 women (32.0%) and 34 men (68.0%) at the age of 19-66, surgically treated due to oedema hypertrophic lesions in the larynx. The voice was assessed by the perceptive GRBAS scale, a subjective voice self-assessment questionnaire, and through pre- and post-therapy videolaryngostroboscopic tests, which were also conducted after phoniatric rehabilitation (30 days after the operation). Physical therapy (iontotherapy with hydrocortisone and 1% solution of CaCl2) and respiratory and phonatory exercises were introduced in the rehabilitation. Results. The GRBAS scale indicated that the patients with the Reincke’s oedema and vocal fold polyp showed greater voice improvement after the therapy and rehabilitation than those with chronic hypertrophic laryngitis. Contrary to the assessment carried out before the surgical procedure, the hoarseness level, rough voice, breathing voice, weak voice and tense voice mainly ranged between 0 and 1 scale. In stroboscopy a correct marginal shift and occlusion of the glottis were noticed in each case after eliminating lesions like Reincke’s oedema and vocal fold polyp (merely in 6.0% we found a disorder in the marginal shift). In the above patients their voice formation was unrestrained, 69.0% and 75.0% respectively, mid-location of the voice was normal in 92.0% and 88.0%, normal phonation time in 85.0% and 94.0%, and accurate voice setting in 77.0% and 75.0%. In stroboscopy the worst results of the voice assessment were obtained in the laryngeal papilloma patient. Conclusions. The videolaryngostroboscopy seems a perfect diagnostic method in larynx diseases, both in qualifying patients for a surgical treatment and monitoring effects of the treatment and post-operative rehabilitation.





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