ArticleOriginal scientific text
Clinical cases of head osteomas in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University Hospital in Gdańsk 2012-2019
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Introduction: Osteomas are the most common benign nonepithelial neoplasms of the head. The tumors are slow growing and cause headaches. Osteomas are often diagnosed accidentally, during the head imagining procedures. Objective: Clinical and epidemiological assessments of patients with head and neck osteomas. Material and methods: We carried out the analysis of medical documentation of patients treated in Otolaryngology Department of the Medical University in Gdańsk in the years 2012–2019 with osteoma diagnosis and analyzed the therapeutic approach and treatment results. Results: 38 patients with osteoma have been operated on during the investigated period of time (18 men, 20 women). Most of the osteomas were localized in the frontal sinuses (55.3%). External frontoethmoidectomy was the most commonly performed surgery (73.7%). 10 patients (26.3%) underwent endoscopic ethmoidectomy. It has been proven that there is no link between this neoplasm and age, sex or tobacco smoking. Conclusions: Osteomas are rare bone neoplasms. The course of the illness depends on the primary localization of the osteoma. Asymptomatic osteomas do not require surgical excision. They require only regular otolaryngological control. The most common symptoms of osteomas are intensive headaches, which are difficult to treat. Diagnostics of such tumors is based on Computed Tomography and surgery is in this case a treatment of choice.
osteoma, paranasal sinuses, headaches