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2012 | 19 | 2 | 91-96

Article title

Physical Culture in the Tradition and Rites of the Tatar Population Inhabiting Polish Territory


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This report presents the findings of a qualitative study on the physical culture of the Tatar community inhabiting Polish territory. Historical elements of the physical culture of the Tatar community have been presented against the background of general characteristics of this ethnic group and the history of the presence of Tatars on Polish soil. The article shows particular aspects of the Tatar tradition of physical culture and its place in Tatar national culture. This is the first known report on the physical culture of this ethnic group on the ground of ethnology or cultural anthropology.









Physical description


1 - 11 - 2012
29 - 01 - 2013


  • The Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, ul. Akademicka 2, 21-500 Biała Podlaska


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