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2011 | 18 | 3 | 206-209

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Elimination of Negative Character Features as an Element of Building a Positive Image of Physical Education Teacher


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Introduction. In the era of the development of a number of ways and forms of communication, positive image has become an important medium of information, including teacher-student relationships. One can now recognize it as one of the elements of effective implementation of the mandates of teaching and upbringing. The aim of this study was to determine what physical education teacher's features are most undesirable for senior high school students, and thus negatively affect his image. Material and methods. The study used the method of diagnostic survey, in which the questionnaire technique was used. The data obtained from 763 students of two senior high schools (484 females and 279 males) was analyzed. For statistical evaluation of the data the log-linear analysis method was used. Results.Quick temper and severity were found to be the features that the students found to be most undesirable in the physical education teacher. The choice of such features as: compliant, indulgent, moody and quick tempered was significantly dependent on gender (p<0.05), and such as strict, hesitant and distracted, significantly depended on both gender and grade (p<0.05). The school turned out to be a variable that did not differentiate significantly choices made by students. None of the independent variables conditioned the selection of such features as passive and unreliable. Conclusions. Knowing what features should not characterize a physical education teacher is one of the important elements that should be taken into account in the process of building a positive image of teachers. It can be assumed that the elimination or restriction of the expression of these features contributes significantly to the positive perception of teachers, and it is followed by improved relations with students and increased effectiveness of teaching and educational interactions.










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1 - 9 - 2011
12 - 10 - 2011


  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Department of Management, The Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw


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