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2011 | 18 | 3 | 197-200

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Importance of Urban Factor and Selected Socio-Economic Variables in the Differentiation of Coordination Motor Abilities Level (CMA)


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Introduction. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the urban factor and socio-economic status on selected coordination motor abilities of non-practicing physical education female students. Material and methods. The research covered 83 female students aged 20.6±0.8 SD years. Data on place of residence and socio-economic status of respondents were collected through a survey. The study of coordination motor abilities was carried out by a special computer application using for this purpose a "tablet" with touch screen. Assessment of the size, scope and direction of differentiation between the groups was made on the basis of standardized inter-group differences. Results. The inter-group differences were presented in the surveyed female students' coordination motor abilities, depending on the urban factor and socio-economic status. The gradient of these changes was as follows: the city over 25 thousand population > city of 25 thousand population > small town. The scale of differentiation was dependent on the type of tested abilities and the environmental factor. Conclusion. Gradient of observed changes could be caused by, e.g. more environmental stimuli stimulating the nervous system in the earlier periods of development of the female students from larger urban clusters and families with higher socio-economic status.









Physical description


1 - 9 - 2011
12 - 10 - 2011


  • Chair of Human Movement, The B. Czech University School of Physical Education in Cracov
  • Chair of Physical Education Theory and Methodology


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