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Diabetes Vs. Physical Exercise


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Diabetes is a disease affecting people of all races in the world, it can appear at any age. It is considered to be social disease due to the incidence and complications. It is a disease of complex etiology, classified as a metabolic disease with chronic hyperglycemia. It requires intensive hypoglicemizing therapy. There are two types of diabetes: type I and type II with different etiologies and varied clinical picture.In the case of prolonged illness serious complications develop, from which, however, the sick may be saved, on condition of the patient's absolute submission to the rigors of treatment. It is possible to live an active life and even practice sports. Extremely important in this case is the correct blood glucose, providing for adjusted glucose homeostasis, which is promoted by physical activity. Physical exercise can be an important therapeutic agent in treating diabetes, provided the criteria of its physiological tolerance are determined. It is vital that an individual approach to the patient is made, associated with the duration of the disease and existing complications. Patient education in monitoring patients' glucose levels is important, i.e. the efficiency in the implementation of individual insulin therapy and hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia self-prevention during and after physical exercise. Patients who decide to practice sport should find the optimal way to control exercise, and diet during and after exercise, then the sporting success is possible.










Physical description


1 - 3 - 2011
16 - 5 - 2011


  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Department of Physiology, The Josef Pilsudski Uniwersity of Physical Education in Warsaw
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Department of Physiology, The Josef Pilsudski Uniwersity of Physical Education in Warsaw
  • Polish Association of Rowing Clubs


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