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2012 | 33 | 1 | 19-29

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Method of convective velocity determination from dissipative range of energy spectrum


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In the study a new proposal of convective velocity determination necessary for eddy size determination from the dissipative range in a turbulent flow in a mixer was made. The proposed quantity depends on all the mean and fluctuating velocity components. By applying convective velocity one may determine the distribution of time and linear Taylor microscale in a stirred vessel.










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1 - 3 - 2012
6 - 3 - 2012


  • Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, ul. Wólczańska 213, 90-924 Łódź, Poland
  • Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, ul. Wólczańska 213, 90-924 Łódź, Poland
  • Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, ul. Wólczańska 213, 90-924 Łódź, Poland


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