An integral part of a reasonable, creative, valuable, and positive way of life is also personal responsibility for individual physical and psychical shape and good health: a sound state of body and soul, freedom from disease, bodily conditions, and a wish for health and happiness. In this context we are increasingly aware of the great importance of sport not only as a part of mass culture, but broadly understood, for individual and social health and well-being. Physical activity of people plays an increasingly more important role in scientific interest regarding the way of life of contemporary society, and it is a very important factor in the process of officiating the level of a healthy and active lifestyle, quality of life, and health in general. The indispensable role of physical activity in the course of human life is permanently and scientifically confirmed in the context of the prevention of obesity.The development of a sedentary life style is the result of a socialization process towards physical inactivity developed in youth and continued into adulthood. At the present we face in our cultural settings an apparent tendency: people are more and more individualized, losing the beneficial impacts of community activities, involved in passive way of life, and lacking proper level of physical activities and active sport. The phenomenon of physical activity has also been considered from the perspective of the EURO-PRE-VOB project: accenting built environmental as an aspect of way of life. The Czech Republic is, on the level of mass sport, strongly influenced by the existence of new development of the city structure, including fitness centres, bicycling paths, roller-skating stadiums, beach volleyball playing fields, and golf courses. The national support of sport is, nowadays, divided into the support of top sports, performance sports, and new waves in sports (e.g. sports for everyone - for all), sports for school, which are then on the regional level (and by the various sport organizations) subsidized from other sources and, moreover, not coordinately.