This present study intends to deal with the lifestyles and living standards of elderly men. The health-related lifestyle was examined including a closer look at how elderly people value their own living standards, and how it is connected to the present state of their condition and activities. Our main goal was to highlight all lifestyle elements, because such an age, lifestyle has a decisive role in improving living standards. It seems reasonable to take several aspects - physical activity, change of lifestyle, and age differences - into consideration when health-cultural behaviour is examined because all of them can influence elderly people's lifestyles and quality of life. Data were collected in eastern Hungary, in Hajdú-Bihar County, among elderly males above 60 years old (N=1,269; M=70.23; min: 60; max: 99; SD±7.095) through questionnaires. Our survey contained questions in three main topics: demographic profile (age, sex, education, financial status, living conditions, and occupation), health status (subjective health status, health awareness, mental health status), and health behaviour (physical exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption). Different sub-patterns were examined during the analysis: different qualifications, age, and settlement types.