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The Status of Physical Education in Cypriot Schools


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A few years ago, comparative research was conducted in thirty-five countries in order to discover the innovative and stimulating aspects of physical education (PE) found all over the world. Cyprus was not included in that special study. The present and future position of PE is a crucial and critical issue in Cyprus. Therefore the author of this paper has carried out an investigation with the aim of revealing the status of PE in the Cypriot educational system and comparing it with other countries. This paper was written on the basis of that research. The Cypriot investigation found in this paper uses the same concept and methods as were utilised in the aforementioned cross-cultural study; the results are presented according to similar dimensions. The data was collected by documentary analysis and in-depth interviews. The results indicate that the status of PE in Cyprus is low and there are urgent problems that need to be seriously considered by the authorities of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Efforts have already been made by decision-makers to promote the development of a new curriculum, be introduced in future school years.









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1 - 12 - 2010
23 - 12 - 2010


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