The present study was conducted with the purpose of determining the relationship between management style of physical education responsibilities with job satisfaction of sport teachers and determination of the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership of physical education authorities with job satisfaction of sport instructors.After recognition of relationships between management style and leadership with job satisfaction, a step is taken towards recognition of effective factors for improvement of organization; therefore, such research is considered as optimized and appropriate solutions for recognition of the management and organization's problems and difficulties, for presenting guidance.This study is based on the opinions of 181 male and female physical education teachers from five districts of the education and instruction department of Esfahan, in which the type of management style of physical education authorities of all five districts of education and instruction of Esfahan and job-satisfaction of the teacher were evaluated through two questionnaires, the confidentiality of which was computed via Cronbach's alpha-coefficient.Results of the study showed that the relationship between management style and leadership of physical education authorities and sport teachers' job-satisfaction with P<0.01 level has been positive and significant. Also, the relationship between transformational and transactional management style of physical education authorities and job-satisfaction of teachers with p<0.01 level has been positive and significant too. Amongst other results of this study with regard to e.g. sex, age, marital status, field of education, educational degree, and previous work-record of P.E teachers and their job-satisfaction, the relationship for those with p<0.01 level has not been significant.