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Theoretical Conceptions in Sport Social Sciences


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In the presented study we assume, after Piotr Sztompka that a sociological theory is every set of ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions, abstract notions and general propositions concerning social reality which is to provide with explanation of existing descriptive knowledge about it and orient future research (Sztompka 1985, p. 12). In the discussed theory there have developed hitherto the following orientations: the systemic-functional one, the ethnomethodological one, symbolic interactionism, theory of conflict, socio-historical theory and positivist theory. They have together shaped theoretical conceptions in sociology of sport and - indirectly - in other social physical culture sciences.Interpreting the issue in a prospective way, it can be assumed that in the future there will appear other theories, such as the theory of behaviour, the theory of rational choice, the sociobiological theory, the theory of power, the theory of neo-institutionalism and others.Sociology, however, need not to be the only source of inspiration for sociohumane sports sciences. An equally important role can be played there by philosophy and psychology. Moreover, that thesis can be referred to other humanities, especially to history and pedagogy, as well as to philosophical, sociological and pedagogical versions of theory of physical culture - or to multidisciplinary theories, as e.g. postmodernist and globalist ones.









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1 - 12 - 2009
31 - 12 - 2009


  • Almamer Economic University, Warsaw, Poland


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