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2012 | 4 | 1 | 15-20

Article title

Dependence between Body Tissue Composition and Results Achieved by Weightlifters


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Background: A literature review and an analysis of lifting techniques indicate that the tissue composition and structure of the body, and especially some of its elements have a decisive influence on the results. The objective of the reported study was to characterize tissue components of the best Polish male weightlifters in view of the age and sports results they achieve.Material/Methods: Competitors of the Men's Polish Championships in Weightlifting in 2004 were subjects of this study. The study comprised 138 sportsmen evaluated in the following age categories: seniors, youth, older juniors, and younger juniors. Measurements that enabled estimating the tissue composition of the body were taken with Piechaczek's method by. In the evaluated groups, sports results achieved in the Championships were converted into points according to Sinclair's scale. Arithmetic means and standard deviation (SD) as well as the number of points scored were computed in each age category. The value of Pearson's correlation coefficient was computed between the discussed somatic traits and obtained results.Results: Out of all the surveyed participants of the Polish Championships in Weightlifting only younger juniors were characterized by too high values of body height, which may affect their body mass to body height proportions.Conclusions: The analysis of results of the tissue composition of the body in age categories and with consideration given to the level of achieved sports results demonstrated that along with training experience and its level, the content of real active tissue was increasing in the surveyed sportsmen.









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1 - 1 - 2012
4 - 4 - 2012


  • Poland Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska Department of Nutrition and Human Biological Development, Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
  • Poland Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska Department of Nutrition and Human Biological Development, Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw


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