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2011 | 19 | 4 | 26-36

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Satysfakcja ze studiowania studentów ostatniego roku fizjoterapii w wybranych krajach Europy / Analysis of satisfaction in studying physiotherapy among students from selected European countries in their final year


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The organisation of degree programmes in European countries differs with duration of the programme, number and content of hours of courses. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of satisfaction with studying in students. 299 final-year students from 5 countries: 20 from Bulgaria (BG), 100 - Spain (ES), 21 - Latvia (LV), 58 - Turkey (TUR), and 100 - Poland (PL). An anonymous and voluntary questionnaire designed by the authors in national languages. The response rate: 86%. Statistica 9.0, the Kruskall-Wallis test, p < 0.05. While most students would choose to study Physiotherapy again, fewer PL would choose the same university (p < 0.05). 42%PL, 50%ES, 22%TUR stated that the number of class hours of practical courses was too low (p < 0.05). 39%PL, 58%ES, 22%TUR believed that the time of direct work with patients was too short (p < 0.05). TUR (4.13) declared a higher level of satisfaction with studying than PL (3.73) and ES (3.95) (p < 0.05). ES rated their competence in basic clinical areas as lower (p < 0.001) than PL and TUR. More ES (44%) than PL (24%) and TUR (37%) felt well-prepared to look for work (p < 0.05). Conclusion: 1.The organization of a degree programme may influence the level of satisfaction with studying. 2. Regardless of the organization of a degree programme, it is necessary to increase the number of class hours of practical courses and the number of hours devoted to supplying students with qualified information about the latest methods in physiotherapy










Physical description


1 - 10 - 2011
29 - 12 - 2012


  • Zakład Dydaktyki i Efektów Kształcenia Wydziału Nauki o Zdrowiu Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego / Department of Teaching and Outcomes of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw
  • Zakład Fizykoterapii i Odnowy Biologicznej, Katedra Fizjoterapii, Wydział Rehabilitacji AWF w Warszawie / Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Recovery, Chair of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation, University of Physical Education, Warsaw
  • Pamukkale University, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Denizli, Turcja
  • Department of Kinesitherapy, Faculty of Public Health, University of Ruse “Angel Kantchev”, Ruse, Bulgaria
  • School of Physiotherapy, Daugavpils University, Daugavpils, Latvia
  • Departamento de Enfermeria y Fisioterapia, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
  • Zakład Rehabilitacji Oddziału Fizjoterapii II Wydziału Lekarskiego Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego / Faculty of Rehabilitation, Department of Physiotherapy, Medical University of Warsaw


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