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2011 | 19 | 3 | 41-49

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Fizjoterapia w wysiłkowym nietrzymaniu moczu u kobiet Część I. Aktualne rekomendacje dotyczące ćwiczeń według Kegla / Physiotherapy in stress urinary incontinence in females. Part I. Contemporary recommendations for Kegel exercises (PFME)


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Urinary incontinence is complaint of any involuntary leakage of urine. Data from various sources indicate that urinary incontinence as a symptom of various disease entities should be regarded as a social disease, because they relate to more than 5% of the population. Urinary incontinence is often hidden from family and the doctor. It is estimated that about 2/3 of all cases of urinary incontinence is suppressed because of the shame and embarrassment, and insufficient information about treatment options. Between the beginning of symptoms and meeting the doctor an average time of nine years is usually observed. This ailment was twice as likely relates to women than men, and its frequency increases with age. Approximately 25% of women of childbearing age and 50% of postmenopausal women have problems with incontinence. The disease also affects younger people, about 65% of pregnant women and about 30% of women in the first year after parturition does not hold urine. In Poland it is estimated that about 5 million people suffers from this affliction. More than half of all cases of incontinence are stress and mixed urinary incontinence. In three review papers the contemporary state of knowledge on physiotherapy in stress urinary in­continence has been described. This is one of main methods of conservative treatment and prevention. In part I the contemporary recommendations by Kegel exercises in stress urinary incontinence has been described.










Physical description


1 - 07 - 2011
29 - 12 - 2012


  • Katedra Fizjoterapii Układu Nerwowego i Narządu Ruchu AWF w Katowicach / University of Physical Education, Chair of Physiotherapy of the Nervous System and Motor System, Katowice
  • Katedra Sportów Indywidualnych AWF w Katowicach / University of Physical Education, Chair of Individual Sports, Katowice
  • Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach, Kliniczny Oddział Urologii w Sosnowcu / The Silesian Medical University, Clinical Urology Departament, Sosnowiec
  • Studia Doktoranckie AWF w Katowicach / University of Physical Education, Doctoral Studies, Katowice


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