This article is an attempt at preliminary delineation of mechanisms of functioning of sport of the disabled in terms of modern culture. The adopted research method is founded on C.S. Peirce’s semeiotics, and especially on triadic and relational concept of sign, thanks to which it is possible to grasp efficiently the continuity (synechism) of interpretative processes, or semioses. Any kind of sport, especially professional one, is available through sporting events (a championship, the Olympic Games), the meaning of which determines their attraction for participants of culture. Sport provides binding signs for relationships of any other “values” transferred within the culture (a global one at present). Signs that utilize sports are attractive in reception and habitually interpreted. Broadly understood, sport is a carrier of positive axiological values; it represents patriotism, honour, pride, success, noble competition, physical activity, sexual attractiveness and provides hedonistic entertainment as well. Sports undertaken by the disabled generate a number of semioses less diversified and more demanding as far as an interpretative competence is concerned than traditional sports. Sport of the disabled functions in cultural semioses on a smaller scale and attracting less attention of the media than traditionally popular sports (e.g. football). Nowadays the media do not undertake the burden of shaping the recipient’s semiotic interpretative mechanisms, as it is much easier to promote the simplest schemes, commercially grounded over the years (competitor-product-success). Additionally, the axiologization of sport in the media results in the fact that even a medal-winning success e.g. during the Paralympic Games does not influence significantly the broader functioning of sport of the disabled within our culture. The above described phenomenon refers also to some traditional sports (e.g. air sports).