The aaim of this work is to describe at what level undertaking of physical activity is combined with life quality sense among healthy women and those after breast cancer treatment. The study covered 196 women, of whom 94 had had mastectomy. Basing on the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the participating women were divided within each of the analysed groups, into physically active and inactive. The perception of quality of life was established on the basis of Quality of Life questionnaire according to Kowalik [1]. Results: 1. Most of the examined women positively evaluate their life, while higher satisfaction is reported by healthy women. 2. Physically active and inactive Amazons significantly differ at satisfaction and feeling of positive and negative emotions. While among healthy women participation at physical education did not differ significantly them at life quality sense. Conclusions: it seems that through physical activity women after mastectomy experience more positive feelings and emotions, and thus are happier.