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2011 | 19 | 1 | 3-9

Article title

Związki pomiędzy wysklepieniem poprzecznym stóp a wybranymi cechami morfologicznymi u młodych osób dorosłych / Correlations between the transverse arch of the foot and chosen morphological characteristics in young adults


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There are no reports on the correlations between the transverse arch of the foot and chosen morphological characteristics. Evaluate the correlations between the transverse arch of the foot and the chosen morphological features in young adults. Cross-sectional studies were carried out in 2008-2009 in a group of 280 students aged 20-28 randomly selected from The University of Rzeszow and Beskidy Higher School of Skills in Żywiec. The method used in the study was plantographic evaluation of the feet in static conditions. The prints of the feet were obtained by means of the non-stain technique invented by Ślężyński. The plantograms gave grounds for calculating the following indexes: Wejsflog index (Wwp) and heel angle (γ). The characteristics of the gathered material was based on descriptive statistics. In order to evaluate the correlations between the transverse arch of the foot and the chosen morphological characteristics the Pearson’s linear correlation way employed. The transverse arch of the left and right foot in women showed a correlation with body height, relative length of the lower limbs and of feet. There was also a correlation between the transverse arch and circumferences of thighs. In men there was a correlation between the transverse arch of the left foot and body height, relative length of the lower limbs and of feet. The transverse arch in the examined students correlated with body height, relative length of the lower limbs, feet and in women with circumferences of thighs.










Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Wydział Medyczny, Instytut Fizjoterapii / University of Rzeszów, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Physiotherapy


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