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2011 | 19 | 2 | 9-15

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Związki pomiędzy cechami plantograficznymi stóp a siłą eksplozywną kończyn dolnych u kobiet w wieku 20-27 lat / Correlations between the plantographic characteristics of feet and the explosive power of the lower limbs in 20-27 years old women


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Human foot is an important static-dynamic element of the motor system. On the basis of available scientific references it could be stated that the height of the longitudinal arch of the foot is identified with its efficiency. Correlations between the longitudinal arch and the parameters of the frontal support area and the explosive power of the lower limbs have not been a frequent subject of scientific research. To evaluate the correlations between the longitudinal arch of the foot and the explosive power of the lower limbs in women aged 20-27. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2008-2009 in a group of 150 female students aged 20-27 randomly selected from The University of Rzeszow and Beskidy Higher School of Skills in Żywiec. The method used in the study was plantographic evaluation of the feet in static conditions. The prints of the feet were obtained by means of the non-stain technique invented by Ślężyński. The explosive power of the lower limbs was determined on the basis of the standing long jump and the standing vertical jump. The gathered date gave grounds for calculating arithmetical mean values (x ̄), standard deviations (s) and coefficient of variability (V). In order to evaluate the correlations between the chosen parameters of the arch of the foot and the explosive power of the lower limbs the Pearson’s linear correlation was employed. Slight correlations between the parameters of the longitudinal arch of the foot and the explosive power of the lower limbs were observed in the examined group of women. There were no correlations between the longitudinal arch and the frontal support area and the length of the standing long jump and the height of the vertical jump. The longitudinal arch correlated with the explosive power of the lower limbs, whereas the transverse arch and the parameters of the frontal support area revealed no correlations with the explosive power of the lower limbs in the examined women aged 20-27










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1 - 04 - 2011
29 - 12 - 2012


  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Wydział Medyczny, Instytut Fizjoterapii / University of Rzeszów, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Physiotherapy


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