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2009 | 1 | 20-22

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Leisure activities of university college staff


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Study aim: To determine the participation of academic teachers in leisure activities for that group contribute to shaping habits of a large percentage of young people.Material and methods: A group of 52 staff members (about 30%) of a private university college, aged 25 - 70 years, were interviewed with respect to their participation in sports, recreation and tourism in the recent year. Chi-square function in the logarithmic form was used in data analysis.Results: Over two-thirds participants declared practicing recreational activities (43% regularly); 80% or more declared short- or long-lasting local trips and 50% declared journeys abroad.Conclusions: The knowledge of benefits brought about by motor activities and the awareness of their necessity stimulate the activities, especially the tourism and recreational ones of people.








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1 - 1 - 2009
14 - 4 - 2009


  • Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland
  • Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland


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