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2010 | 2 | 74-77

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Postural variables in girls practicing sport gymnastics


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Study aim: To assess body posture variables in girls practicing sport gymnastics vs. their untrained mates.Material and methods: Two groups of girls aged 7 - 11 years were studied: 48 young female gymnasts (Group SG) and 54 untrained girls (Group C) of comparable age, body height and BMI. The gymnast girls had 3 - 7 training sessions a week, their training experience ranging 1 - 5 years. Body posture was assessed by photogrammetry.Results: Shoulder blades and pelvis were significantly (p<0.05) more symmetrical in gymnast girls than in the control group and their spine was better shaped in the youngest gymnasts (p<0.01). Gymnast girls were significantly (p<0.01) superior to their untrained mates in overall posture rating, Lumbar lordosis was less expressed (p<0.05) in gymnast girls aged 7 - 10 years than in the control ones.Conclusions: Sport gymnastics practiced at young age may affect posturogenesis bringing about body symmetrisation and shaping spine curvatures, especially lumbar lordosis.







Physical description


1 - 1 - 2010
14 - 9 - 2010


  • Department of Tourism and Recreation, Academy of Physical Education, Katowice, Poland


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