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2012 | 35 | 1 | 119-126

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New Regression Models to Evaluate the Relationship between Biomechanics of Gymnastic Vault and Initial Vault Difficulty Values



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The main objective of this paper was to determine the relationship between biomechanical parameters of vaultflights with respect to new models of initial vault difficulty values in men’s artistic gymnastic. The study sampleincluded vaults (n=64) and models (n=5) from the 2009 Code of Points (CoP) of the Federation International ofGymnastics (FIG). The dependent variable included all difficulty values ranging from 2-7.2 points, while the sample ofindependent variables included twelve biomechanical parameters. After implementing the regression analysis, it couldbe established that the best model derived only the second flight phase with 95% of explained variance.









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1 - 12 - 2012
26 - 01 - 2013


  • University of Tuzla, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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