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The Effect of Fatigue on Kicking Velocity in Soccer Players


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Soccer is a game in which fatigue can negatively influence players’ performance. Few studies have examinedthe practical effects of fatigue on soccer performance skills. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectof fatigue, acutely induced by means of a soccer specific circuit on ball velocity. Ten amateur soccer players (age 27.3 ±5.25 yr; experience 16,8 ± 6.05 yr; level secondary division; body height 1,80 m ± 0,06; body mass 75,7 kg ± 5,78),participated in this study and performed maximal instep kicks before and after the implementation of an intensive,intermittent and repeated exercise protocol. Analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated a significantdecrease (p<0.05) in ball velocity after just one round of the fatigue circuit. However, after the third circuit ball velocityincreased and after the fifth circuit maximal ball velocity increased yet again (compared to the second circuit) and wasnot significantly different from before commencement of the fatigue protocol. The results partly confirmed thehypothesis of the negative influence of fatigue upon ball velocity in soccer kicking, demonstrating also some variabilityin the presented values of ball velocity perhaps theoretically accounted for by the general governor model.









Physical description


1 - 12 - 2012
26 - 01 - 2013


  • Department of Sports Sciences, University of Beira interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
  • Research Centre for Sport, Health and Human Development, Portugal.
  • Research Centre for Sport, Health and Human Development, Portugal.
  • Department of Teacher Training of Nord Trøndelag University College, Norway.
  • Department of Sports Sciences, University of Beira interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
  • Research Centre for Sport, Health and Human Development, Portugal.


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