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Kinematic Structure at the Early Flight Position in Ski Jumping


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The purpose of our research was to establish the variability of correlation between the length of the jumps andselected multi-item kinematic variables (n=9) in the early flight phase technique of ski jumping. This study wasconducted on a sample of elite Slovenian ski jumpers (N=29) who participated in the experiment on a jumping hill inHinterzarten, Germany (HS95m) on the 20th of August, 2008. The highest and most significant correlations (p=0.01)with the length of the ski jump were found in the multi-item variable height of flying, which was also expressed with thehighest level of stability of the explained total variance (TV) on the first factor (TV=69.13%). The most importantcharacteristic of the aerodynamic aspect of early flight was the variable angle between the body chord and the horizontalaxis with significantly high correlations (p<0.05). The stability of that aerodynamic factor was very high (TV=65.04%).The results were essentially similar for the multi-item variable angle between left leg and the horizontal axis(TV=61.88%). The rest of the multi-item kinematic variables did not have significant correlations with the multi-itemvariable length of jump. Only two more variables, the angle between the upper body and the horizontal plane(TV=53.69%), and the angle between left ski and left leg (TV=50.13%), had an explained common variance on the firstfactor greater than 50% of total variance. The results indicated that some kinematic parameters of ski jumping earlyflight technique were more important for success considering the length of the jump.









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1 - 12 - 2012
26 - 01 - 2013


  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Slovenia.
  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Slovenia.
  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Slovenia.


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