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2011 | 30 | 189-196

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Spectator Motives and Points of Attachment: an Investigation on Professional Basketball


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Spectator attendance to professional basketball in Turkey is significantly less than desired. Keeping in mind how important spectators are for team sports, understanding factors that affect game attendance will offer essential clues in terms of increasing spectator attendance. The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between basketball spectators' motives and points of attachment. With consideration to this purpose, the present study has tested the validity and reliability of the Motivation Scale for Sport Consumption and the Points of Attachment Index for Turkish basketball spectators. 197 basketball spectators participated in the study. Confirmatory factor analysis results demonstrated that the original models of the measurement tools employed for the study showed an acceptable degree of fit with the data. The internal consistency coefficients of the scales were found to be between 0.59 and 0.80 for the Motivation Scale for Sport Consumption and between 0.53 and 0.88 for the Points of Attachment Index. The canonical correlation analysis only returned a single significant function. The motives aesthetics and escape stood out in terms of the significant function, while the sport type (basketball in this study) stood out in the sense of attachment. Relationships identified between basketball spectators' motives and points of attachment could help sports managers and marketing experts to develop strategies focusing on increasing spectator attendance to their teams' games.







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1 - 12 - 2011
25 - 12 - 2011


  • School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Sport Management, Ege University
  • School of Physical Education and Sports, Physical Education and Sports Teaching Department, Ege University
  • Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics, Ege University


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