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2010 | 26 | 115-122

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An Examination of Social Physique Anxiety with Regard to Sex and Level of Sport Involvement


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The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in social physique anxiety among competitive athletes, exercisers and non-exercisers. The present study was also aimed to examine the sex differences in social physique anxiety between men and women. Two hundred and fifty-five exercisers, 261 competitive athletes and 350 non-exercisers voluntarily participated in this study. Social Physique Anxiety Scale (Hart, Leary and Rejeski, 1989) was used as the measure of social physique anxiety. Results of the present study indicated significant differences in social physique anxiety with regard to sex and level of sport involvement. Men had lower scores on social physique anxiety than women, and competitive athletes and exercisers had lower social physique anxiety scores than non-exercisers. Social physique anxiety of males and females did not differ with regard to level of sport involvement.







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1 - 12 - 2010
17 - 1 - 2011


  • School of Sport Sciences and Technology, Pamukkkale University
  • School of Sport Sciences and Technology, Hacettepe University
  • Sport Sciences Department, Başkent University


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