The purpose of this study was to examine the physical activity levels of the young adults in Turkey, selected as an example of an economically developing country.A total of 1027 university students voluntarily participated in this study. The sport and household activity indexes of the Physical Activity Assessment Questionnaire (PAAQ) were administered to the subjects.Student t-test showed gender differences in the intensity of the sport activities index (p<0.001). The results of 2 (gender) × 2 (intensity of sport activities) univariate ANOVA revealed significant gender, intensity differences and significant gender × intensity interaction on participation duration in the sports activities. This finding showed that males spent more time in both vigorous and non-vigorous sport activities than females. In terms of the type of engagement in sport activity, the majority of males primarily played soccer, while females had primarily walked. The Student t test revealed gender differences in both the duration of housework and sitting in the house.To conclude, males participated in sport activities with a higher intensity and spent more time on these activities than females. On the other hand, females spent much more time on housework activities and sitting in the house than males.