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2011 | 12 | 4 | 315-323

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Biomechanical Studies on Running the 400 M Hurdles


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Purpose. Biomechanical research conducted on hurdling are the basis for analysis of technique used in running disciplines. However, the 400 m hurdle run is an athletic discipline rarely subjected to individual biomechanical study. The aim of this study was to introduce the various forms of biomechanical studies on this difficult-to-quantify athletic event. Methods. In this study, 64 biomechanical articles were assessed, each covering various topics such as kinematics, dynamics, accelometrics and rhythm knowledge in the both the men's and women's 400 m hurdles. This was conducted with regard to the specificity of studies on the 400 m hurdles, including their types, methods and difficulties. The characteristics of the study were divided, among others, into: physiological effort, centrifugal force, dynamics of movement, stride rhythm, the level of abilities, laterality and type of body build. Results. Numerous sources allowed the creation of a general outline of present biomechanical studies. Conclusions. Within the context of the conducted analysis on the present state of biomechanical analysis on the 400 m hurdles, a number of basic principles were outlined that could determine the effectiveness of future research possibilities for scientists on the 400 m hurdles.











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1 - 12 - 2011
25 - 12 - 2011


  • Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland
  • University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia


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