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2011 | 12 | 3 | 264-272

Article title

The Impact of Training on the 500 M Rowing Ergometer Time and an Assessment of the Applied Test's Relevancy


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Purpose. The purpose of the conducted research was to determine the impact of training on the time spent covering a distance of 500 m on a rowing ergometer as well as an examination of the representativeness of the adopted sample in developing a method of providing an accurate and reliable assessment of the obtained results when measuring the short-term endurance capacity in a female student population. Methods. The research was conducted on 96 full-time female students at the UWM in Olsztyn using a "Concept II Indoor Rower" rowing ergometer, where the impact of regular training on the time of covering the 500 m distance was analysed. The results of the research were statistically analysed in order to examine the conformity of the obtained distributions in the time spent in covering the simulated distance, the subjects' mass and height, an adopted CPI value (height/body mass ratio), BMI index and the female students' slenderness ratios all within normal distribution. Mathematical (regressive) models describing the impact of the adopted factors on the time of covering the simulated distance were then developed. Results. On the basis of the obtained results and the developed mathematical relationships, it was noted that with further repetition of the exercise, the mean time of covering the 500 m distance on a rowing ergometer (based on the results obtained between the 1st to the 10th trial) decreased from ca. 15-20 s. The phenomenon of shortening the covered time may be caused by an improvement in the level of short-term endurance capacity as well as becoming familiarized with the movements (learning) performed on the rowing ergometer. Conclusion. A one-time attempt at covering the 500 m distance on a rowing ergometer, at the fastest pace possible and performed once a week, was found to improve the endurance capacity level of the studied subjects. The developed method found herein can be applied as an accurate and reliable test in assessing the time of covering the simulated 500 m distance on a rowing ergometer when determining short-term endurance capacity.










Physical description


1 - 9 - 2011
22 - 9 - 2011


  • University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
  • University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
  • University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland


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