Purpose. The aim of the paper is an attempt to show the sizes of morphological features of rowers, in order to establish the type of body build proper for present requirements of this sports discipline through the determination of morphological features of the greatest importance in rowing including the type of a racing boat. Basic procedures. Analysed material includes competitors practising rowing, who were members of the Polish junior national team in this sports discipline in the period from 1995 to 2005. A group of 31 anthropometric measurements have been analysed; body composition has been measured by the BIA method, including rowing boat categories. Musculature rate for each participant was calculated on the basis of chosen somatic indicators. Collected material has been elaborated with basic statistical methods. Main findings. Rowers are characterized by the significant height of the body, large body mass and a considerably slender figure at the same time. Characteristic features are: trunk with its large length and large circumferences, long upper and lower limbs, shoulders of medium broadness, narrow pelvis, flat chest. Big musculature of upper and lower limbs which classify competitors to the group of thigh-set limbed and the considerable stoutness of the body, expressed with the thickness of skin-adipose folds, with the proportional fat content, are also characteristic features. Analysed teams show the differentiation depending on types of racing boats, with achieving larger mean features by the crew of oars, at the greater proportional participation of the fat in the general body mass. Conclusion. Competitors doing rowing at the high level of sports advancement must accomplish the criteria of morphological build, and the level of these requirements is adapted to the specificity of this sports discipline and types of racing boats.