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2011 | 12 | 1 | 16-23

Article title

A Paradigm for Identifying Ability Competition (Providing Examples of Sport Game and Fight)



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Effective competition for access to social resources is dependent on skills defined also as competences for action, cooperation and counteraction. Therefore, the objective of the study was to formulate a consistent set of criteria by means of which it would be possible to ensure objective identification of an individual's skills to take action in competitive conditions, with particular attention to sport game and fight. It was assumed as the basis of the paradigm that the skill of sport game and fight is the conscious or intuitive application of solutions surprising the competitor by their uniqueness, choices or speed of action. The following criteria were distinguished among the criteria proposed for identifying competitive skills: surprise by creativity of action shown by precision, flexibility and uniqueness of performance, surprise by choice indicated by the dynamics of the repertoire of actions, and surprise by speed of action resulting from increasing velocity or making use of the variability of rhythm, speed and direction of action. The concept presented appears to be a consistent paradigm of objectivized identification of competitive skills. On the basis of this identification, it is possible to formulate practical directives which allow for the improvement of processes: educating, coaching, or managing the development of competences with respect to effective competition for access to social resources, including sports resources.











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1 - 3 - 2011
14 - 3 - 2011


  • Institute of Sport, University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland


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