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2010 | 11 | 1 | 51-57

Article title

The Association Between Body Dissatisfaction and Nutritional Status in Adolescents


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Purpose. This study analyzes the association between body dissatisfaction and nutritional status in adolescents. Basic Procedures. The study enrolled 234 boys and 442 girls. Information was collected on body image and anthropometry performed. Nutritional status was stratified into two categories: healthy (BMI: 18.5-25.0 kg/m2) and unhealthy (BMI: <18.5 and >25.0 kg/m2). Body image was coded as satisfied and dissatisfied. Main findings. It was found that 65.5% of adolescents were dissatisfied with their body image. While the girls wished to reduce their body silhouettes (48.4%), the boys wished to increase in size (51.3%). Unhealthy nutritional status was only associated with body dissatisfaction among the girls (95%CI = 1.35-3.43). Overweight girls were 11 times more likely to be dissatisfied with their bodies than normal weight girls. Conclusions. Nutritional status was a determinant factor for body dissatisfaction, primarily among female adolescents, since those whose nutritional status was unhealthy had different levels of dissatisfaction from those with healthy BMI.










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1 - 6 - 2010
30 - 7 - 2010


  • Postgraduate Program in Physical Education, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Research Center of Physical Education in Kinanthropometry and Human Performance, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil


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