Purpose. The aim of the study was to determine correlations between ways of spending free time and work-related and family-household duties among women taking part in physical recreation activities for many years. Basic procedures. The study included 1,104 women, aged 20 to 75, exercising in organized groups in cities of western Poland. The length of the respondents' physical activity history was defined by the number of years of doing exercise. The study used the diagnostic poll method and complementary survey techniques verified in a pilot study. The research results were analyzed qualitatively and statistically (χ2 test of independence, Kruskal-Wallis H test, Mann-Whitney U test, and multiple comparisons z-test). Main findings. The shortest length of physical activity (one year) was characteristic of women-mothers with children at the pre-school or school age, burdened with household chores and working jobs. At the same time, respondents with a shorter length of physical activity (under four years) spent more of their free time watching television both on weekdays and weekends. Conclusions. A comparison between the weekly volume of time of women's participation in physical exercise and the amount of time devoted to watching television proves that apart from the existence of objective barriers connected with the real work-related and family-household responsibilities, involvement in physical activity remains more of a question of the subjects' personal preferences and choices rather than having free time. Long-lasting physical activity is the decisive factor influencing the choice of active forms of spending free time.