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2008 | 9 | 1 | 46-50

Article title

Influence of Football Training on Alignment of the Lower Limbs and Shaping of the Feet


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Purpose. One of the aims of football training is to enhance the musculo-ligamentous apparatus and increase mobility of the lower limbs' joints. Proper football footwear is compulsory as games are being played on different surfaces. This has direct impact on the placement of one's feet and distribution of forces within feet arcs. The purpose of this study was to compare the placement of feet and toes of boys training football with their peers who did not practise football. Basic procedures. This study was carried out on 72 junior football players, aged 10-14 years, who were divided into 4 groups according to age and training level. The control group included 80 boys of similar age. The examination was performed using Moiré technique. Alignment of the knees was assessed visually. Computer analysis of the results covered the following parameters: Clarke's angle, α, β and γ angles, length-to-width index and KY index. Main findings. Feet anomalies were more frequent in footballers. In the older players these were mainly varus knees (around 40%), while the younger one's had valgus knees more often than the non-players. Hallux valgus (over 20%), especially of the left foot, and varus toes (over 90%) were also more frequent in the non-training boys. Besides there was a decrease of curvature of the longitudinal and transverse feet arcs that was more frequent in the right feet. However, longitudinal and transverse characteristics of the left feet arcs did not differ between the exercising and non-exercising groups. Conclusions. The examination of the feet confirmed the impact of football training on the placement of feet and toes and curvature of the feet arcs.










Physical description


1 - 6 - 2008
23 - 6 - 2008


  • University School of Physical Education, Katowice, Poland


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