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2011 | 83 | 12 | 646-651

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Epidemiology of Cranio-Cerebral Injuries in Emergency Medical Services Practice


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Head injuries have always accompanied the man. Cranio-cerebral injuries are the most common and often can lead to an imminent threat to life.The aim of the study was the analysis of interventions of Emergency Medical Service teams in respect of patients manifesting symptoms indicative of suffered cranio-cerebral injuries.Material and methods. We analyzed the emergency intervent card (protection medically Piaseczno and Otwock in 2009) - the cranio-cerebral injuries (CCI).Results. We analyzed 1049 cases of CCI. Twice as likely to cranial injuries - brain affected men population. Most accidents happened in the afternoon (13-18) and in the summer months (June - August). Falls from height were the most common cause of cranio-cerebral injuries, but most cases related to the superficial bruising of the head.Conclusions. Cranio-cerebral injuries are the predominant group among all the injuries. Men twice as likely to suffer injury - cranial cerebral compared to women. Most CCI suffer economically active people of 30-39 years age bracket. The most common cause of injury - cranial brain are falls from height, also traffic accidents and falls at the same level. Contusion skins, open wound of the head and concussion injuries are the most common forms of cranio-cerebral injuries.









Physical description


1 - 12 - 2011
17 - 2 - 2012


  • Collegium Masoviense School of Health Sciences in Żyrardów
  • Collegium Masoviense School of Health Sciences in Żyrardów


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