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2011 | 83 | 5 | 276-282

Article title

Severe Lower Extremities Degloving Injuries - Medical Problems and Treatment Results


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Degloving injuries consist in detachment of skin and subcutaneous tissue from underlying fascia and muscles. They mostly address total surface of extremities or trunk, resulting in high morbidity and mortality. Their treatment, due to severity of the injury, high percentage of serious concomitant injuries and massive blood loss is time - consuming and its results are often unfavourable. The authors present results of treatment of three cases of patients with degloving injuries of the lower extremities and trunk. The patients presented poor healing prognosis connected with the extension of the injury. A complicated course of treatment was described. In all patients skin grafts healed well, resulting in acceptable aesthetic and functional outcome.









Physical description


1 - 5 - 2011
24 - 6 - 2011


  • Intensive Care Unit, Medical Centre in Polanica-Zdrój
  • Department of Plastic Surgery, Medical Centre in Polanica-Zdrój


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