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2010 | 82 | 9 | 497-503

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Early and Long-Term Results Following Surgery for Dupuytren's Disease


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The aim of the study was assessment of the early and long-term results following surgery for Dupuytren's disease.Material and methods. In this study the treatment results of 74 patients with Dupuytren's disease were revealed. Patients were treated using fasciotomy, selective fasciectomy, subtotal fasciecotmy and dermofasciectomy. Patients were divided into two groups. Group I (n=35) was examined prospectively 3 times: prior to the surgery, 1 and 3 months after it. Group II (n=39) was examined retrospectively once between 3 to 7 years after the surgery. The examination took into account: occurrence of factors predisposing the disease to reappear (Dupuytren's diathesis), hand's function in patient's subjective opinion evaluated with DASH questionnaire and goniometrical measurement of the contracture.Results. Contracture reduction was observed in group I in 94% of patients. The average Total Loss of Extension before surgery was 123.85°, 3 months after operation - 54.51°. In group II the average Total Loss of Extension was 42.63°. Average DASH score in group 1 before surgery was 17.5. One month after the surgery a significant aggravation was observed (average score - 29.95). Three months after the surgery, there was an improvement and DASH score reduced to 15.02. The average DASH score in group II was 4.34. In both groups there was a correlation between patients' age and hand's function. Elder patients evaluated hand's function as better after the surgery. Recurrence of the disease was observed in 17% of patients in group 1 and 33% of patients in group II. Occurrence of predisposing factors (diathesis) increased probability of recurrence in group II. Significant differences in treatment results were not notified because of the surgery technique.Conclusions. This study reveals numerous problems with operative treatment of Dupuytren's disease: faint improvement of hand's function in primary months after surgery, large percentage of recurrences of the disease, a small number of patients with extension of fingers obtained as an outcome of the surgery.









1 - 9 - 2010
22 - 10 - 2010


  • Department of Surgical Nursing, Medical University in Gdańsk
  • Department of Surgical Nursing, Medical University in Gdańsk


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