The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strain carriage among hospital employees who have contact with patients treated at the General and Vascular Surgery Teaching Hospital of the Capital Bródnowski Hospital. Comparison of the findings with results from similar studies performed in various medical centers around the world.Material and methods. Using microbial cultures, we screened for nasal carriage of MRSA strains in hospital employees who have contact with patients at the General and Vascular Surgery Teaching Hospital. The medical and custodial staff of the Faculty of General and Vascular Surgery, Anesthesiology and Operating Suite were studied. If MRSA strains were present on bacterial cultures, identification of the strain was further confirmed using molecular methods, including reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Examinations were performed in collaboration with the Department of Epidemiology and Clinical Microbiology of the National Medicines Institute.Results. The carriage rate confirmed by molecular techniques was 4.5%. Confirmed cases of MRSA carriage in hospital staff underwent eradication with a five-day treatment scheme of intranasal 2% mupirocin ointment. Control results confirmed its effectiveness.Conclusions. The prevalence of nasal carriage of MRSA among the medical and custodial staff screened was 4.5%. This prevalence of carriage among medical employees is similar to the rate of carriage in the general population. This finding suggests a low rate of bacterial transmission between the faculty, staff, and patients. Eradication of MRSA with the use of a five-day course of 2% intranasal mupirocin ointment is an effective method of controlling carriage among medical staff as well as among the general public.