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2009 | 81 | 5 | 236-241

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Anatomopathologic Analysis of Synchronically Operated Bilateral Inguinal Hernias


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The aim of the study was statistic evaluation of anatomopathologic changes of synchoperated groin hernias.Material and methods. In 1994-2005, 2099 patients were operated due to inguinal hernias. 1343 times the operation was conducted unilaterally, 756 (36.2%) bilaterally (1512 hernias). Patients were divided into three age groups: A ≤ 45 years of age, B - 46-64 years of age and C ≥ 65 years of age.Results. Among those operated bilaterally and synchronically the most frequent were lateral hernias, constituting from 57.2% to 69.8%, medial from 21.41% to 28.4%, combined from 8.81% to 14.52% of all operated hernias in all age groups. Hernias size I (<1.5 cm) constituted among bilateral hernias 29.66% of cases in age group A and 15% in age group C. For unilateral hernias the numbers were respectively 32.95% and 8.32%. Hernias size III (>3 cm) made up for bilateral hernias 26.14% of cases in age A, for unilateral hernias that was 18.9%. In age group C the figures were respectively 47.05% and 47.54%. Hernias size II in all age groups constituted from 37.95% to 48.15% of all cases. Recurrent hernias constituted 8.46% of operated bilateral hernias (128 cases). Among unilateral hernias, 124 recurrent cases were operated (9.23%). Femoral hernias coexisted among 25 men (1.75%) and 10 women (11.9%) operated bilaterally and among 41 patients operated unilaterally (3.05%).Conclusions. In case of bilateral hernias there was no correlation found between coexistence of femoral hernia and age of patients; among men they were mainly left, and in case of women - right side cases. Among unilaterally operated patients the coexistence of femoral hernia was observed more frequently in the elderly group, among women mostly on the right side.








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1 - 5 - 2009
8 - 9 - 2009


  • Hannover Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Grossburgwedel Hospital, Teaching Hospital of Medical University


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