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2009 | 81 | 5 | 225-229

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Low Invasive Treatment of Breast Abscess in Lactating Women


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The aim of the study was to present our own results of low-invasive treatment of breast abscess in lactating women.Material and methods. 72 lactating women with severe mastitis were treated. In 22 cases abscess formations were observed, accompanied by local pain, tenderness, breast asymmetry and skin reddening. Ultrasonographic examinations confirmed the presence of typical image of an abscess, from 3.3 to 8.2 cm in diameter.The proposed procedure consisted in abscess aspiration biopsy guided by ultrasonography. A soft 1.5mm latex catheter was inserted into the abscess, and antiseptic lavage was made to evacuate puss. Medical control was performed on the second, fourth and seventh days after the procedure. The drain was usually removed after four or seven days.Results. In 21 cases the abscesses were healed without complications. During the treatment women fed their babies with the breast under treatment. No milk retention was noted, and there were no problems with breast-feeding.All the women highly appreciated aesthetic effect of the treatment - three months later no visible scars or breast deformations were noted.This treatment failed in one case, then we had to perform more aggressive surgical treatment: an incision and drainage performed under general anesthesia with farmacological suppression of lactation.Conclusions. 1. Low invasive treatment of breast abscess in lactating women can lead to successful treatment without drug-induced blockade of lactation. 2. The results of treatment and visual effects are very good. 3. This method are comfortable for the patients, the suckling babies (there no significant problems during twelve days cure), and can reduce the cost of treatment








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1 - 5 - 2009
8 - 9 - 2009


  • 1st Department of General and Vascular Surgery, Warsaw Medical University
  • St Sophia's Hospital Lactative Out-Patient Clinic, Warsaw
  • 1st Department of General and Vascular Surgery, Warsaw Medical University
  • 1st Department of General and Vascular Surgery, Warsaw Medical University
  • 1st Department of General and Vascular Surgery, Warsaw Medical University
  • 1st Department of General and Vascular Surgery, Warsaw Medical University


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