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2009 | 81 | 4 | 198-202

Article title

Severe Course of Crohn's Disease Complicated with Multiple Peristomal Fistulas


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To date healthy male, 51, was admitted to hospital for abdominal pain and body weight loss of 10 kilograms within 6 weeks. Soon after admittance the patient's condition deteriorated and he was operated on for ileus. The Hartman's resection of sigmoid colon was the option for obstructive tumour. First signs of stoma complications were being reported from day 16 on and soon overt multiple fistula formation was diagnosed. Systemic and site treatment was involved (5-ASA, steroids). Nevertheless, the patient's condition was not improving within following 8 months, which led to succeeding hospitalisations, finally, infliximab therapy was the successful one. On patient's demand the hind-gut reconstruction was performed. Partial resection of involved bowel and stoma followed by end-to-end hind-gut reconstruction was the option. Up to now (i.e. 8 months after the reconstruction) the patient remains in good condition.








Physical description


1 - 4 - 2009
14 - 5 - 2009


  • Department of General and Vascular Surgery, Sub-Department of Gastroenterological and Colorectal Surgery, 2 Dr J. Biziel Memorial University Hospital, Bydgoszcz
  • Department of Gastroenterology, 2 Dr J. Biziel Memorial University Hospital, Bydgoszcz
  • Department of General and Vascular Surgery, Sub-Department of Gastroenterological and Colorectal Surgery, 2 Dr J. Biziel Memorial University Hospital, Bydgoszcz


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