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2009 | 81 | 2 | 75-80

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Liver Transplantation in Infants with Body Mass Less than 6 KG


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Liver transplantation (LTx) is the only treatment of fulminant liver failure and end stage liver disease (ESLD).The aim of the study was to assess indications, status at transplantation, surgical techniques, early and late complications and outcome of liver transplantation in children less than 6 kilograms of body weight.Material and methods. Between 1990 and 2008 in the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation, Children's Memorial Health Institute, there were performed 350 LTx. Within them there were 13 (3.7%) newborn and infants with body weight below 6 kilogram. Retrospective analysis was carried out regarding indications for LTx, status at LTx, surgical techniques, early and late follow-up and outcome.Results. Follow-up of 11 living patients ranges from 5 to 111 months (mean 31.5 months). Patients and graft survival is 84.5%. In all patients liver function is very good or good. Advancement in liver surgery and perioperative care caused that LTx in small recipients became possible and are carried out with good outcome.Conclusion. Encouraging results of liver transplantation in newborn and infants caused that lower age and weight limits for liver recipients are no more significant.








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1 - 2 - 2009
20 - 3 - 2009


  • Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Clinical Immunology, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
  • Division of Health Science, Nursing and Obstetrics Institute University, Rzeszów


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