A pancreatic pseudoaneurysm is a rare vascular malformation within the pancreas or in its immediate vicinity, resulting from vessel wall damage due to acute or chronic pancreatitis. Rupture of such malformation leads to a life-threatening hemorrhage. The treatment requires a precise and early diagnosis, indicating the need for surgical or conservative intervention.In this paper, a rare case of a pseudoaneurysm of the pancreaticoduodenal artery causing recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding and portal hypertension is presented. The malformation was discovered by Doppler ultrasound and computed angiotomography of the abdomen, and the diagnosis was confirmed upon surgical intervention. The bleeding vessel was closed by a stick tie from within the pseudoaneury-sm lumen. The portal hypertension was relieved by a partial resection of the pseudoaneurysm and the fibrosed pancreas. The postoperative course was uneventful.A summary has been made of the available reports on pancreatitis complication presenting as fluid spaces and the causes of GI bleeding in the course of this disease have been reviewed.