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2008 | 80 | 11 | 585-593

Article title

Comparison of the Quality of Patients' Life After the Classical and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies


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In Poland cholecystolithiasis is the most frequent cause of surgical treatment and a significant growth in the number of cholecystectomies has been observed since the laparoscopic method was introduced. Recently there has been noted an increased interest in such issues as the quality of life connected with health and the impact of particular therapeutic methods on the quality of patients' lives.In order to measure the quality of life, the instruments (forms) - or so-called health profiles are used. In respect of this quality of life, one of the forms mostly acknowledged in the world is the questionnaire SF36, which is also applied in the field of the gall-bladder surgery.The aim of the study was to compare the quality of patients' lives before and after the surgical treatment of cholecystolithiasis with the use of the classical and the laparoscopic methods by means of the SF36 form.Material and methods. The research was conducted among patients treated in the Surgery Department of the Hospital in Mielec from June 2005 to June 2006.The patients were divided into two groups: A - 42 people are the patients treated by the classical method of cholecystecomy, B - 46 people are the patients subjected to the laparoscopic method of cholecystecomy. Both groups of patients fulfilled the questionnaire twice: first, before the surgical procedure, and then three months after the operation. Additionally, during the second survey, the patients estimated subjective alteration of the quality of life three months after the surgery.Results. A statistically significant increase in the physical and mental components as well as in a total quality of life was stated in both groups. A higher increase in the general quality of life was estimated in the group of patients treated by the laparoscopic method. In the subjective estimation of the alteration of the quality of life three months after surgery, there was also recognized the growth of it in both groups of patients.Conclusions. An increase in the life quality of the patients with diagnosed cholecystolithiasis has been observed after both methods of cholecystectomy respectively. A greater increase of this quality analyzed by means of the questionnaire SF36® has been noticed in case of the laparoscopic method especially in the physical component.








Physical description


1 - 10 - 2008
4 - 5 - 2010


  • Surgery Department, E. Biernacki Hospital in Mielec
  • Chair and Department of Vascular Surgery and Angiology, Medical University in Lublin


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