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2008 | 80 | 7 | 389-394

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Giant Post-Inflammatory Pancreatic Cyst Associated with Giant Abdominal Hernia - a Case Report


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The case of a patient who developed a giant post-inflammatory pancreatic cyst, which resulted in the development of a giant abdominal hernia, is presented. The cyst developed as a consequence of earlier shortcomings in the diagnostic and therapeutic process; cyst development was also due to the patient's irresponsible approach to the problem. The patient did not present any typical symptoms of pancreatic pseudocyst. He reported to the Surgical Outpatient Clinic in the Wielkopolska Cancer Centre because of a reduced quality of life caused by a giant abdominal hernia. Basic laboratory tests and an abdominal CT were conducted, and a decision was reached regarding laparotomy. The pseudocyst was anastomosed with the intestinal wall on Roux-en-Y loop. A prolene net was applied simultaneously, due to the extensive defects in the abdominal integuments. In this case, treatment should have been implemented at a much earlier stage, without exposing the patient to the consequences of basic disease and the presence of a foreign body (net) in the abdominal integuments.








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1 - 7 - 2008
23 - 7 - 2008


  • 1st Clinic of Surgical Oncology and General Surgery, Wielkopolska Cancer Center, Poznañ
  • 1st Clinic of Surgical Oncology and General Surgery, Wielkopolska Cancer Center, Poznañ
  • 1st Clinic of Surgical Oncology and General Surgery, Wielkopolska Cancer Center, Poznañ


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