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2008 | 80 | 7 | 371-376

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Videoscopic Extraperitoneal Operations of Suprarenal Glandules


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An adrenal tumors are a clinical problem encountered by all health care providers go into endocrinological surgery. Nowadays the videoscopic adrenalectomy gains mounting acceptance. In the adrenal operations two kinds of operative access are used: an itraperitoneal and an extraperitoneal.The aim of the study was to analyse its own material and literature in purpose to find the answer if extraperitoneal access may be acknowledged as widely used method in adrenal tumor operations.Material and methods. 68 videoscopic adrenalectomy with extraperitoneal access were made in the Surgery Department of MSWiA Hospital in Łódź, between 2005 to 2007. The time of the operation, the time of the hospitalization, intraoperative blod loose, probability of complications, number and reasons of the conversies were taken into account.Results. In all the patients was performed complete tumor resection with adrenal gland. The diameter of removed tumors was between 4-14 cm. In 23 cases (33.8%), intraoperatively, during tumor preparation, the continuity of the peritoneum was broken however it didn't have any influence for the operation's proceedings and postoperative condition of the patients. Three conversions were made (4.4%). The average time of hospitalization was about 3.1 days. There weren't observed, in the postoperative period any wound suppurations or postoperative hernias.Conclusions. The own observations in confrontation with literature let find an extraperitoneal videoscopy as method with wide application in various size and origination in adrenal tumor operations.








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1 - 7 - 2008
23 - 7 - 2008


  • Department of General Surgery, MSWiA Hospital, Łódź
  • Department of General Surgery, MSWiA Hospital, Łódź
  • Department of General Surgery, MSWiA Hospital, Łódź
  • Department of General Surgery, MSWiA Hospital, Łódź
  • Department of General Surgery, MSWiA Hospital, Łódź
  • Department of General Surgery, MSWiA Hospital, Łódź
  • Department of General Surgery, MSWiA Hospital, Łódź
  • Department of Endocrine, Vascular and General Surgery, Medical University, Łódź


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