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2007 | 79 | 11 | 711-715

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Cystic Adventitial Disease - A Three Cases Report


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This study presents three cases of cystic adventitial disease, a rarely occurring vascular pathology that mainly affects the arteries. The nature of the disease consists in the occurrence of adventitial cysts filled with mucous, and leads towards vascular destruction and stenosis as well as limb ischemia. The popliteal artery is most often concerned in this etiology, and male patients predominate. However, the etiology of the disease remains unknown. One can observe a similar chemical content of adventitial and Baker's cysts, and their occurrence near the joints. Adventitial cystic disease may result in atypical intermittent claudication. This disease is characterized by the absence of pulse during flexion of the knee joint. Duplex color ultrasonography plays an important role in the diagnosis of the disease, as well as arteriogaphy, where one can observe hourglass or semilunar vascular lumen stenosis. Surgical management is the method of choice. This study presents three cases of cystic adventitial disease. Two cases concerned the popliteal artery and one the common femoral artery. All three patients were male with symptoms of lower limb ischemia. The three patients underwent surgical treatment and were diagnosed with cysts - localized intravascularly - that were constricting the vessels and filled with a jelly-like content. Two patients with significant lesions required surgical excision of the changed vascular fragment and bypass grafting. The third patient was subjected to local cyst excision. Percutaneous cystic content aspiration is also a method of treatment.








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1 - 11 - 2007
11 - 2 - 2008


  • Department of Vascular Surgery and Angiology, Specialistic Hospital, Końskie
  • Department of Vascular Surgery and Angiology, Specialistic Hospital, Końskie
  • Department of Vascular Surgery and Angiology, Specialistic Hospital, Końskie


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