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2009 | 11 | 4 | 7-12

Article title

Thermal decomposition of acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives


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The general aim of this article is to review the state of knowledge on pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) and pyrolysis. Recent research data in the field of pyrolysis gas- chromatography (Py-GC) analysis of acrylic PSAs are presented. First, PSA characteristics and applications, pyrolysis (including Py-GC) as an analytical method, and system solutions, are described. The latest scientific achievements in the analysis of thermal degradation products of acrylic PSAs are then presented.









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1 - 1 - 2009
8 - 1 - 2010


  • Institute of Chemical Organic Technology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, ul. Pułaskiego 10, 70-322 Szczecin, Poland
  • Institute of Chemical Organic Technology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, ul. Pułaskiego 10, 70-322 Szczecin, Poland
  • Institute of Chemical Organic Technology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, ul. Pułaskiego 10, 70-322 Szczecin, Poland


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