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2010 | 16 | 2 | 85-95

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Study of dosimetric variation due to interfraction organ movement in High Dose Rate Interstital (MUPIT) brachytherapy for gynecologic malignancies


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Ten patients with cancer of uterine cervix who underwent interstitial brachytherapy using MUPIT templates were CT scanned (CT1) using which bladder, rectum and CTV were delineated. The treatment plan PCT1 was generated and optimized geometrically on the volume. CT scan (CT2) was repeated before the second fraction of the treatment CTV and critical organs were delineated. The plan (PCT2) was created by reproducing the Plan PCT1 in the CT2 images and compared with PCT1. Bladder, Rectum and CTV percentage volume variation ranges from +28.6% to -34.3%, 38.4% to -14.9% and 8.5% to -15.2% respectively. Maximum dose variation in bladder was +17.1%, in rectum was up to +410% and in CTV was -13.0%. The dose to these structures varies independently with no strong correlation with the volume variation. Hence it is suggested that repeat CT and re-planning is mandatory before second fraction execution.









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1 - 1 - 2010
5 - 5 - 2011


  • Medical Physics Department, Cancer Institute, Adyar, Chennai 600 036, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Medical Physics Department, Comprehensive Blood & Cancer Centres Apollo Hospitals
  • Medical Physics Department, Cancer Institute, Adyar, Chennai 600 036, Tamil Nadu, India


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