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Miniaturized sample preparation based on carbon nanostructures


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The evolution of analytical methodologies has
been driven by the objective to reduce the complexity
of sample treatment while increasing the efficiency
of the overall analytical process. For this reason, the
analytical chemist takes into consideration advances in
other scientific areas and systematically evaluates the
potential influence that such discoveries might have on
its own discipline. This is the present situation with
nanostructured materials, which have already been
recognized as a revolution in many scientific and
technological fields, including analytical chemistry.
Carbon nanoparticles have been a cornerstone in the
advance of miniaturization of analytical processes. This
review article considers the contribution of four reference
carbon nanoparticles: nanotubes, graphene, nanohorns/
cones and fullerenes, in the context of miniaturized
sample treatment, where their outstanding sorbent
properties are by far the most exploited in (micro) solid
phase extraction.







Physical description


14 - 2 - 2014
21 - 6 - 2014
24 - 10 - 2014


  • Department of
    Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Fine Chemistry and Nanochemistry,
    Campus de Rabanales, University of Córdoba, 14071 Córdoba, Spain


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